Winter Exercise Ideas to Keep Your Family Active All Season Long

The crisp fall air is setting in, leaves are dropping, and even chillier days are just around the corner. While the cozy weather can make it tempting to pass your free time curled up under a blanket, it’s crucial for your family’s best physical and mental health to keep up a winter exercise routine. Yes, even with shorter daylight hours and snow falling outside!
We know that weather-related obstacles can be challenging, but luckily, there are still plenty of ways to stay motivated. Keep reading for our favorite winter activities to keep you and your family moving through the chilly days!

Try a New Indoor Activity
Taking up indoor sports is a fantastic way for you and your family to exercise during winter! So, why not visit a local community center to test your hand at a few fun new activities like basketball, badminton, or swimming? Each of these sports offer a wide range of benefits that focus on strength, agility, stamina, and overall cardiovascular health. Not to mention, indoor winter activities can help you make new social connections – a great motivator to keep coming back!

Join a Fitness Studio
If you haven’t already, consider signing your family up at a fitness studio. This is an excellent way to stay fit year round and be continuously inspired by the people around you who continue to show up every week! Whether you’re focused on resistance training, cardio, or flexibility – joining a gym or fitness studio allows you and your family to explore your interests and find the routine that feels best to you!

Press Play at Home
If you’re short on time, the road conditions are troublesome, or you simply feel more comfortable at home, you can still keep working out in the winter! Get cozy and press play on a video for at-home yoga, pilates, barre, weight training, or even just simple stretching! There are countless free options to choose from with a curated weekly class playlist. Or, try out an app to enjoy a set schedule of videos to do on specific days of the week. Plus, you can search for festive winter workouts or kid-friendly exercises to enjoy with the whole family!

Get Moving Outdoors
If your family is feeling cabin fever, braving the cold could be the answer. Moving outside is not only great for physical health, but for mental health as well – and with the proper gear, exercising outdoors in winter can be just as safe and fun as any other time of year! We recommend taking part in the classic winter activities offered in your community such as ice skating, walks through light shows in the park, or skiing! Of course, just be sure to bundle up with a warm coat, gloves, a comfortable hat, and the proper footwear.

No matter which winter activities you choose to take part in this year, you’re going to need to make sure you stay well hydrated! And at Pura Stainless, we’ve got the perfect bottles for everyone in your family — that are safe, sustainable and plastic-free! Our Big Mouth® Sport Bottles are ideal for teens and adults, our my-my™ Sippy Cups are designed to keep your toddlers hydrated, and our Kiki™ Infant Bottles feature a silicone nipple to keep your tiniest family members sipping away!
We strive to make products from non-toxic, recyclable materials that can be used for decades to come, minimizing our environmental footprint. Using Pura products means that you’re not only prioritizing your family’s health – but the planet’s health too. To start gearing up for your winter workouts, click here to shop our 100% plastic-free, eco-friendly products, today!